Subject: /dev/cuaXX (Was: Formal getty replacement yet?)
To: None <>
From: Torsten Duwe (Emacs) <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/20/1994 00:32:21
>>>>> "Bakul" == Bakul Shah <> writes:

    >> If it's any easier, I have a stock 1.0 com.c modified to include this
    >> feature which works with no other changes to the OS.

    Bakul> If by this you mean that no other files needs to be changed, *and*
    Bakul> you used the trick of just using a different minor number for
    Bakul> /dev/cuaXX devices (e.g.  MINOR(/dev/ttyXX)+128), make sure you
    Bakul> are handling select() right.  You can no longer directly call
    Bakul> ttselect() for the cua devices.  I had to edit conf.c to use
    Bakul> comselect() so that dev_t passed to ttselect is that of /dev/ttyXX
    Bakul> not /dev/cuaXX since cdevsw[major(device)].d_ttys[minor(device)];
    Bakul> does not exist for cua devices in my implementation.

Why would one want such a thing as /dev/cuaXX ? I've had the same problem
recently (modem, xntp-refclock), and found ttyflags(8?), which allows you to
configure /dev/tty0? as a dial-out device at boot time (well
basically). Adding "softcar" to the appropriate lines in /etc/ttys worked
perfectly for me, and this solution is obviously architecture-independent.
(this is current-users, not port-i386 - soapbox omitted :-)
