Subject: Re: -current compiling errors...
To: Mark Tamola <>
From: VaX#n8 <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/11/1994 03:53:11
While really really bored, Mark Tamola wrote:
> (link command output...)
> lative.o svi_screen.o svi_smap.o svi_split.o svi_term.o svi_util.o 
> xaw_screen.o 
> -lcurses -ltermlib -lutil
> ld: internal error:wrong number (425) of global symbols written into 
> output file
> , should be 426
> *** Error code 1

I got a similar error when recompiling to -current stuff from 0.95 (heh)
I solved my problem by carefully remaking the libraries and the include files.
For safety, "rm -fr /usr/obj/{lib,include}" and
"make obj && make && make install" in the lib and include src dirs.
I had a problem with the rpcsvc.h sitting in an /usr/obj dir not getting
updated.  Oh yeah, don't forget ld.  Maybe this will help.

Apologies to all for my belated (late October) -current messages, I just flushed
my mail queue (dumb me, I disabled sendmail a while back :)
VaX#n8 (vak-sa-nate) - n, CS senior++ and Unix junkie -
Just the vax-man.  Read my MIPS, no new VAXes!        - PGP key on request