Subject: benchmarks... (was: Re: More on UFS performance)
To: None <>
From: matthew green <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/02/1994 10:04:10
   > I hope I'm not annoying anyone by going on at such length about this; I've
   > been installing a lot of NetBSD systems in commercial uses and it seems to
   > me that the more performance measurement we do, the better off everyone is.
   Definitely not.  We've already seen a good suggestion for why you
   might be losing.  My goal in running NetBSD is to be a part of the
   process of developing the best operating system out there, and it
   won't get that way if we don't do performance measurements.  I was
   very happy to see your benchmarks.

i fully agree with this;  if netbsd is going to "win" it needs to perform.
as much as i dislike solaris 2.x, sun have done a hell of a good job in
increasing it's performance in 2.4 -- they claim it's faster than 4.1.x
in all areas now (not that i believe them, but it could be possible).

maybe a new list for benchmarks and performance needs to be set up?

