Subject: MSDOS FS question [FAQ]
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: VaX#n8 <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/17/1994 04:30:55
I'm sure this has been answered before, but I figured it is easier to ask
than to FTP all the current-users archive at 14.4kbps :)
It might be a Good Thing to have Dave Burgess add to the FAQ
(which hasn't been updated in a while)

I'm getting the ubiquitous "Device not configured" message even though I
put MSDOS in the fstype field of the disklabel.  What is the Right Thing
to do?
A simple line from someone's disktab would probably do.  Thanks.

And, does mount_msdos support the most recent type of MS-DOS fs...
the large one, or whatever it is called (>32MB)?
The manpage still says:
     The msdos filesystem is not known to work reliably with filesystems cre-
     ated by versions of MS-DOS later than version 3.3.

Just wondering what the consensus on it was.

Finally, one (more) quick question: How do you use /dev/audio?
sndtool or something?  cat'ing directly doesn't cut it :)

Sorry about all the questions, but I'm really just a userland programmer
disguised as a sysadmin-type :-/
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