Subject: Simple "amd" setup request
To: None <>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: current-users
Date: 09/07/1994 04:50:17
This isn't really NetBSD-specific, but assuming others have trodden the
same path before ...

I'm trying to set up "amd" on a NetBSD/SPARC 1.0beta machine (a SPARCstation
IPC) to live inside an NIS domain and automount other filesystems using an
existing "automount" setup with typical NIS auto.* maps.  Can anyone supply
me (or reply to the list) with a simple setup to do this?  I tried looking
at the rather extensive doc that comes with AMD, but it wasn't clear at all.

What I've tried:

netbsd4me:1:25 % cat /etc/amd/master
/defaults -type:=nfs;
/home auto.home -grpid,rw,noquota,hard,intr

i.e., basically replicating our existing auto.master NIS map contents, and
attempting to add in the "/defaults" entry.

This translates to "amd" being run as follows:

netbsd4me:1:26 % ps -axww | egrep amd
   63 ??  I      0:02.06 amd -l syslog -x error,noinfo,nostats -p -a /amd /defau
lts -type:=nfs; /project auto.project -grpid,ro,noquota,hard,intr /home auto.hom
e -grpid,rw,noquota,hard,intr /pkg auto.pkg -grpid,rw,noquota,hard,intr /cd auto
.cdrom -grpid,ro,noquota,hard,intr

The trouble with this is that every single NIS map reference lookup tries to
find the entry with "/defaults" as the key; as the maps are "normal" Sun et
al. automounter oriented maps, there is no such "/defaults" key in any of
them.  I was hoping that by putting "/defaults -type:=nfs;" in the AMD master
file, it would be used as a default and prevent per-map lookups of "/defaults"
for each map.  Alas, such is not the case.

Any ideas appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

	- Greg
