Subject: Re: Source code changes... Kernel stability
To: Chris G. Demetriou <cgd@postgres.Berkeley.EDU>
From: Robert L. Shady <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/05/1994 18:12:00
>> Great, so if I sup today 05-05-94 06:02pm EDT, I should be safe?

> "should be," yes.  (i.e. it seems to work for me, but i make no
> guarantees...  8-)

Okay, that's good.. I need 'something' more stable than what I have now, I
have NO idea what has happened, it just seems that "All of the sudden" I
am getting these reboots daily, and I can't figure out why..

Speaking of which, I never got an answer to my question about tracing a
kernel panic.  Do you have a "quick-n-dirty" way of finding out what
module/routine caused it and possibly dump the variables, or something?

>> Or did you mean, if I have a SUP from yesterday...

> I don't encourage time travel.  8-)

Cute.. I was just hoping you weren't going to say one from yesterday, cause
I just removed it.. ;)  I think I will re-sup the current-src portion just
to make sure I have "the right stuff" because I haven't been able to sup
everyday for a while now...  What SUP lists are available?  I currently

current release=allsrc hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr/current prefix=/usr/current backup use-rel-suffix delete compress

current release=security hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr/current prefix=/usr/current backup use-rel-suffix delete compress

current release=doc hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr/current prefix=/usr/current backup use-rel-suffix delete compress

current release=othersrc hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr/current prefix=/usr/current backup use-rel-suffix delete compress

Obviously without the spaces in the lines..
