Subject: UH-OH! nfs bug? ufs bug?
To: None <>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/10/1994 05:04:10
Look at the following session script...


- cwd was ufs, ~tsarna is on NFS to a sun3 running 4.1
- NetBSD/amiga on an A3000T, from this weekend's tar_files
  (posted this to "amiga" and "current-users"... probably should
  continue discussion in current-users unless this is found to be
  a amiga-specific problem).
- system fsck'd clean at boot.

Script started on Wed Mar  9 20:23:05 1994
bash# rm
bash# head ~tsarna/
# Autoconfig ID number master table
# $Id$
1/M/M           Built-in
D/1/M/M         BUILTIN
1/1/0           A3000 Built-in SCSI Interface
D/1/1/0         SCSI
1/2/0           Built-in Floppy Interface
bash# cp ~tsarna/ .
bash# head
# Autoconfig ID number master table
# $Id$
1/M/M           Built-in
D/1/M/M         BUILTIN
1/1/0           A3000 Built-in SCSI Interface
D/1/1/0         SCSI
1/2/0           Built-in Floppy Interface
Script done on Wed Mar  9 20:23:43 1994

Say *WHAT*? I remove the file, copy a new one over, and end up with the
old one back (with the initial extra tab plus other typos). I repeated
this several times to make sure I was really seeing straight.

Just tried something new. Copied /etc/group on top of the file. Looked
at file. It was /etc/group. look at ~tsarna/ It's the new
version. Copy ~tsarna/ over file. Look at file. It's the
old version for a few lines, then is corrupt (looks like a directory).
I just rebooted, and it once again fscks cleanly.

Yow, this is *really scarry*. Any ideas? Sounds like some sort of
problem in the buffer cache or something. 

Ty Sarna                 "As you know, Joel, children have always looked        up to cowboys as role models. And vice versa."
