Subject: Re: X11R6 monitor def
To: Peter James Naylor <>
From: Jasper Y. Wong <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/16/1996 03:01:39
> On Mon, 15 Jan 1996, Jasper Y. Wong wrote:
> > 
> > Could someone mail me a copy of their grfmodes file? (used w/v1.1
> > kernel)  I missed the earlier trend regarding the change in the
> > monitor def file.  I'm using the Spectrum card and the Xcl driver.
> > Thanks in advance.
> I also run NetBSD on a Spectrum... I'm sorry I don't have my grfmodes 
> file handy to me at the moment, but the trend you referred to above is 
> that all the horizontal values in the mode entry is now multiplied by 8.  
> Not including the horizontal resolution value of course.  So, from 
> memory, it's the last 4 numbers that need to be multiplied by 8.  Don't 
> sue me if my memory isn't correct and you damage your monitor tho ;)
Thanks!  I took the old mondef file and multiplied all the 
hbs/hss/hse/hbe/ht entries by 8 and everything is working fine now :)


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