Subject: No working root (either floppy or CD) to install from...
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kevin D. Dell <>
List: amiga
Date: 12/01/1995 12:45:41
I am a novice to NetBSD, though not to programming and UNIX in
general. I have the "Gateway!" CD with NetBSD 1.0, and I have not been
able to install. When I make an installation floppy using rawwrite,
everything seems to go OK, but I can never get the system to find a root
device (I try fd0 and/or cd0 without success)
My hard drives are configured and ready with HDToolbox and when
NetBSD starts, it sees two partitions as well as the CD but I never get
past the root query. The system just locks up.
My configuration:
A2000 with rev 4.3 motherboard, HD internal floppy, DD external floppy
GVP Series II 22MHz 68030+68882 w/ 10Mb 32-bit RAM and SCSI controller
GVP 28/24 Spectrum Graphics with 2Mb DRAM
EMPLANT Deluxe with dedicated 52Mb HD for Mac emulation
Quantum Trailblazer 420Mb (200Mb for Mac, 100Mb for AmigaDos, 100Mb
for NetBSD)
Quantum LPS 52Mb for NetBSD
Chinon 525S 2X CD-ROM, internal
Commodore 2052 2Mb 16-bit RAM
1MB Agnus, ECS Denise
Sorry if the configuration listing is excessive, but if anyone can
help, I'd really appreciate it.
--Kevin D.