Subject: Now it works !(Re: Need Help for NetBSD-1.1 Install !)
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jens Kappe <>
List: amiga
Date: 11/30/1995 23:47:31
You remember my biiiiiiiiiig report about my NetBSD-1.1 problem ?
It's unbelievable ! Because i missed one asterix the whole thing
has not worked.
Thanks to Michael L. Hitch i corrected the root device sd0 to sd0*
and now the install-programm made it to the moment where it wants
to install the /usr file system on hd.
Yes, but then it only shows me one choice sd0, although further
ahead another one, namely sd1 was mentioned and correct recognized.
Something in the routine for guessing where there could be a
hd for /usr must be wrong.
Altough i do not have at the moment (this will from now on change
very fast - i hope at least :-) -) the slightest knowledge of NetBSD
i tried to install the whole thing from hand. I looked at the install-
script, and yes it works.
I used "mount -r -t ados /dev/sd1f /mnt/ados" to get in contact with
my Amiga-Dos Partition. The other mentioned method (using mount_ados)
has not worked for me. It complies all the time about "read only".
One last question: is it normal, that i have to switch off the power
from my amiga after rebooting ?
I do have a GVP-Series II-Controller who starts scanning the various
scsi-adresses at bootup and he gets in an (so it looks like)
continous loop at one moment. Has anybody else experienced something
like this before or is it normal that i have to shut down my amiga
after exiting NetBSD ?
Yes, that's it for now. I'm sure, you will here from me again, maybe
later (maybe some month (hope not years :-) later), after i worked through
some of the netbsd-sources and maybe, maybe i could contribute something
to the whole project someday.
At this moment, thanks again to everybody who made it possible.
Now i'm heading for getting the knowledge about installing X-Windows.
Anyone a hint for me ?
Bye for know,
and thanks again Michael for that missing asterix and also for replying
so fast. It's amazing, how helpfully (arg, i think it's somehow the wrong
word, but i don't want to dig out the dictionary at this moment... i think
you all know what i mean) some people on the internet, especially in the
NetBSD-Project are. These people were good models for NetBSD-newcomers
who maybe will behave like them to other newbies in the future.
So, that's now really the end
Wenn man einen Amiga so weit aufrüstet wie einen PC, um mit selbigem
einigermaßen gut arbeiten zu können, dann kann man mit dem Amiga zaubern.