Subject: hylafax on an amiga? anyone.
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arthur Hoffmann <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/16/1995 20:00:46
Hi, I installed hylafax on my NetBSD-Amiga-current:
It sends Faxes Ok, but something is wrong receiving! The modem
negotiates speed and protocol fine and then proceeds to receive
incoming Faxes, it keeps track of page numbers and it writes a nice log
file, stating that there were no errors ... blah blah. When I look at
the Fax I only received a blank piece of paper with the status-line of
the sender (So that comes in OK) also I can see a little bit of a
scribble below that status line. One of the weird things is that on
GPFax the status line is on the top of the page, whereas with hylafax
it is at the bottom... well pretty much at the bottom. I'm using an
A3000 with a Maestro 144FM modem. Software is NetBSD-current, latest
version of hylafax, latest version of Aladdin (successor of
I went through the FAQ and documentation and couldn't find any hints
regarding this problem.
Could it be the handshaking?
I noticed that when the other fax sends, my DcD light comes on and the
RxD seems to go off.
If anyone wants to have a look at one of the logs of the incoming
faxes, I can provide them.
A few other things that came to mind are:
should I use dev/ttym0 instead of /dev/tty00? (what's the difference?)
should I enter a line like this in the /etc/ttys file instead of the
faxgetty in the rc.local:
tty00 "/usr/local/sbin/faxgetty" dialup on secure rtscts #int. serial.
I would test all those things myself, but I don't know anyone who
could send me some test faxes. (I will receive faxes from my brother
in Germany, but using his fax to debug my software would be a bit
expensive for him.)
It would be really nice if I could get the software to work.
Thanks for your help.
I start faxgetty in rc.local, as well as faxq:
faxgetty tty00
The /var/spool/fax/etc/config.tty00 looks like this:
CountryCode: 0061
AreaCode: 89
FAXNumber: +0061.89.818926
LongDistancePrefix: 0
InternationalPrefix: 011
DialStringRules: etc/dialrules
ServerTracing: 1
SessionTracing: 11
RecvFileMode: 0644
LogFileMode: 0644
DeviceMode: 0644
RingsBeforeAnswer: 7
SpeakerVolume: high
GettyArgs: "std.%s -"
LocalIdentifier: +0061.89.818926
TagLineFont: etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat: "From %%l|%c|Page %%p of %%t"
MaxRecvPages: 100
# Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
# and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
ModemType: Class2 # use class 2 interface
ModemRate: 38400
ModemFlowControl: rtscts # default
#ModemResetCmds: AT&F2 # what you want for a Supra
ModemNoFlowCmd: AT&K # disable flow control cmd
ModemHardFlowCmd: AT&K3 # hardware flow control cmd
ModemSoftFlowCmd: AT&K4 # software flow control cmd
ModemSetupDTRCmd: AT&D3 # DTR off causes modem to
#ModemSetupDTRCmd: AT&D2S25=1S38=0 # Dynalink 1414VE needs this
ModemSetupDCDCmd: AT&C1 # DCD follows carrier
ModemSetupAACmd: AT+FAA=1+FCLASS=0 # enable in current class
ModemSendFillOrder: LSB2MSB # as expected
ModemRecvFillOrder: MSB2LSB # opposite of what makes sense
ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd: "<19200><xon>" # modem switches on fax
# Caller ID configuration setup for Supra.
#QualifyCID: etc/cid # CID access control list file
#CIDNumber: "NMBR = " # pattern string for phone
number info
#CIDName: "NAME = " # pattern string for identity
Arthur Hoffmann