Subject: Re: A530 suported?
To: amiga <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/08/1995 10:24:13
On Oct 8, 12:39pm, "Markus Illenseer" wrote:
> I was asked whether the GVP A530 in an A500+ is supported correctly.
> Since I do not own such a combination, I pass the request into this list.
> The GVP A530 has Manuf/Prodid 2017/11 and seems to be in the list of
> SCSI-adaptors, non the less, the person had had no success to access any of
> his hard drives, because the A530 seems not to be configured even though it
> is recognized.
All GVP Series II SCSI adapters and the I/O Extender have 2017/11 as their
Manuf/Prodid codes.
The 1.0 gvpbus configuration did not know what the GVP identification of
the A530 was, so does not support the A530. The -current gvpbus does, so
the upcoming 1.1 release should work with the A530.
Michael L. Hitch INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Office of Systems and Computing Services
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA