Subject: wtfs: Input/output error
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wyatt Miler <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/05/1995 23:19:14
I got this error when I tried to newfs my Syquest 270mb hard drive on sd3:
sd3(gtsc0:5:0): non-media hardward failure, info = 472 (decimal), data =
00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 03 99 00 58
followed by:
write errror: 128
wtfs: Input/output error
Now, I've been having problems with this drive ever since about the june
snapshot, and they have been getting worse. I'm currently running on the
A2000 w/GVP 22MHz Combo board, 8megs ram
2 270mb Syquest drives, 1 80 meg seagate, 1 250 meg seagate, and a nec 4x
cdrom drive on the end of the scsi chain <the 2 seagates hold amigaa stuff>.
The other syquest holds my root partition, and /usr stuff, and seems to
be working fine...
I'm running the july snapshot of NetBSD, _ANY_ help would be greatly
- Wyatt -
MicroMUSE: Vampire StormMUSE: Vampire <Director> 4201 3993
Thought: Now that we know what VR is, what do we do with it? :)
Disclaimer: I don't claim to know everything, my opinions are my own,
and nobody elses...