Subject: X on AGA.
To: NetBSD-amiga <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kolbjxrn Barmen <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/01/1995 02:27:36
Hi !
I just wonder what the current status of X-windows for AGA machines are.
Does XDaniver support higher resolutions now, like super72 ??
I ran NetBSD with XDaniver before summer, but it only supported dblpal
resolutions at the time. After summer I've spend more time on linux/68k. :)
Kolbjorn Barmen /// e-mail:
Brendeholten 45 /// A1200, 030MMU/882@50MHz, 18MB RAM, 540MB HD
N-6800 FORDE \\\/// AmigaOS, MacOS, MS-DOS, NetBSD, Linux/68k