Subject: Re: netbsd speed on Amiga
To: michel beausejour <>
From: Darren Steven <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/25/1995 13:35:30
At 05:48 PM 24/09/95 EDT, you wrote:
>I was making some comparisons between Netbsd and FreeBSD. I've compiled
>NetBSD FreeBSD 2.0.5
>A3000 2meg chip/8megsFAST Dell 486Dx33 12megs
>(8megs SCZIP 70ns)
>A3640 (68040 25MHZ)
>also i've used a precompile version of povray (povray040 on aminet) to test
>under amigados
>here are the results:
>A3000 (040) running amigados povray said that it took 12mins to render
>A3000 (040) running NetBSD-current " " " "" " "" " " "" " ""18mins to render
>Dell 486DX33 running FreeBSD-2.0.5 9mins to render
How come the big difference between NetBSD and FreeBSD i thought that they
will be
>closer than that. No?
A 486DX2/66 should be FASTER thatn an 040 - 25, especially the 3640. The bus
clock on the 486 is a 33MHz one, 25 on the Amiga. I beleive the FPU on 486's
is not as fast as the 040's (at same clock rate), but we have a clock rate
multiplier of 2.6 (66/25)influencing that. A fairer hardware comparison
would be the A3000 with a WAPR 040/40 with 12M on the motherboard, with
NetBSD on both machines.
It is interesting to note that the AmigaDOS is much closer to the '486 -
less overheads.
Just my 2 cents worth,
Darren Steven
Australian Maritime College
Information Technology Services Department
Newnham Campus
Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Phone (003) 35 4842