Subject: Memory Non-Contiguous and Chip
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon J DeBoer <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/25/1995 12:20:20
Okay I have noticed the non-contig option in the kernel configure
script. Is this a feature that works or a promise of something to come.
(I am looking at -1.0, I do not have the room to get -current installed
without losing everything I have in -1.0 which would be bad right now).
I have compiled my kernel with it set in the hopes of accessing the 2M chip
memory on my A3000 as well as my 4M zips. I have not been to concerned
though, but now I am able to get another 4M of simms to put on my GVP
card and am curious if I will be able to use all 8M of fast?
Should it work? Or will I have to buy another 4M of simms to
reach 8? (I cannot find zips near me at all, and it seems ridiculous to
pay taxes/shipping from someone in the states to get used memory...)
- = = - = = - = = -
Real World Info:
Name : Simon de Boer email :
Studying : Theoretical Physics @ University of Guelph (Canada)
In Character Info:
Name : Katrina Deazin +mail : 6125
Position : Wizard of Arisia Mush located at realtime.