Subject: NetBSD keymaps
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alain Chofardet <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/23/1995 03:53:00
Hello John,
 In a message dated 21 Sep 95 you wrote to All :

 JS> I created a new keymap for my British A3000 keyboard

I did that for French keyboard. I have problems with the keypad.

 JS> and it works fine on the ITE console but when I start
 JS> X it doesn't get set on the xterm's. How do I tell the
 JS> xterm to use my new keymap ?

For xmodmap, the things are right, but I'd like to use the RALT RSHIFT combination to produce @ and #. I don't know how to do that.

Alain Chofardet
                Another brick in the wall

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