Subject: Re: Disk error?
To: Calvin <>
From: Wyatt Miler <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/18/1995 21:43:20
You said:
> I got this error:
> /netbsd: sd2 (atzsc0:6:0): medium error info = 347968 (decimal)
> Does this mean that there is a physical error on the disk? That's my
> guess. Does NetBSD map these types of errors out? Or has data been
> lost? I was doing a write when this occured. Is this anything to worry
> about?
Umm, which version of netbsd are you using? -current or -1.0? With the
-current since june thru the first of august, I've been getting tons of
those errors, swapping my syquest cart out and putting a new one in helped for
awhile, but they just started showing up again. And yes, I've lost data
to those annoying things...dunno what's causing it tho....
- Wyatt -
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Thought: Now that we know what VR is, what do we do with it? :)
Disclaimer: I don't claim to know everything, my opinions are my own,
and nobody elses...