Subject: Disk error?
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Calvin <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/18/1995 02:31:01
I got this error:
/netbsd: sd2 (atzsc0:6:0): medium error info = 347968 (decimal)
Does this mean that there is a physical error on the disk? That's my
guess. Does NetBSD map these types of errors out? Or has data been
lost? I was doing a write when this occured. Is this anything to worry
During compilation of the /usr/src tree, I ran into a few errors: make
does not know how to compile libl and rdist. make doesn't seem to know
how to compile libmain.c --> libmain.c is not in the same directory as
libl. I did find a libmain.c, which appears to be a file generated by
lex in another part of the tree. Is this the same libmain?
Additonally, rdist seems to break down from lex related problems.
I later got warnings during compile of tn3270 about mismatched
declarations in the functions initTerminal and TransOut. Is this
anything to be worried about? Is this problem related to the prior errors?
o/ \o/ o <o o o o She walks in beauty, like the night
<| | /|\ |> <|><|> <|\ Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
/| / \ /| / \ // \\ / \ And all that's best of dark and bright
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Meet in her aspect and her eyes. (Byron)