Subject: boot program and gcc?
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Timothy Newsham <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/14/1995 18:50:15
Has anyone compiled the boot program with a recent gcc?
I have code that is very similar to the netbsd loader. It
takes over the machine, resets the mmu, turns on the mmu and
then jumps to an entry point. At any rate I have been
getting crashes the second I load the crp (but never when
I load the srp) even when the mmu is marked as off! This
is using gcc2.6.3 and gcc2.7.0. I was wondering if anyone
has compiled the boot program with one of these versions
of gcc and had it work or seen the same problem I'm having.
(this same code worked fine when I was using gcc2.2.2)
(btw.. the instructions with pc@(label - . + 2) now have
to be written as just pc@(label))
Tim N.