Subject: ISDN, PPP, and NetBSD
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David McGhee <>
List: amiga
Date: 08/28/1995 16:48:06
I'm up to the next stage of the evolution of my Amiga at home, I'm getting
ISDN service. Here are some questions (I'm running NetBSD-1.0 on an A3000
with 6 meg...soon to be more.)
1. Will the amiga keep up with 57.6 Async on the serial port? How 'bout 115.2?
2. Are there any expansion boards that allow synchronous RS-232 out there?
(So I wont waste one ounce of bandwidth).
3. What additional software do I need to download to connect my amiga to
the rest of the world?
4. Am I missing anything?
char *ID[4]={"David McGhee",
"Design Engineer",
"ADTRAN, Inc.",
"Huntsville, AL"};