Subject: How do I make my own displaymodes?
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rasmus Wiman <>
List: amiga
Date: 08/28/1995 18:56:23
Can anyone please explain to me how to make new disaplaymodes for the
-current picasso driver? I guess there are better ways of doing that than
the trial and error i've been doing to make some of the modes work with
my monitor (i haven't succeeded in making any modes within the monitor's
specs, but they still work). I can get a roughly correct pixelclock, but
when it comes to the hbs/hss/hse/hbe/ht values and the corresponding
vertical values, i don't have a clue! Can someone please enlighten me?
Rasmus Wiman
THE LAST SURFER IN HELL (Preferred) (also possible)