Subject: Re: pppd
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: amiga
Date: 07/31/1995 07:52:32 wrote:
: I have a question about pppd.  I used to be able to telnet and ftp to anyware
: in the world when I pppd with my supplier.  However, when I ppp to them now
: I can only ppp to them.  I can ping my supplier just fine,
: but if I try to ftp to, ftp just sits there. I type
: ftp
: and it doesn't go any farther than that.  my IP address is 128.2.3 and I 
: changed the files myname and hosts to reflect my machines name.  Is ther
: anybody who knows what is going on?

Sounds like either:

- you erased "defaultroute" from your /etc/ppp/options or forgot it on
  the commandline (not very probable, you would get a "no route to host"
  in this case. Check with "netstat -rn")

- changed the routing for you

- you changed your routing in a subtile way to make it impossible for
  your machine to recognise the incoming packets

- somehow you can't find your nameserver any more, so that resolving takes indefinite time

- it takes indefinite time to reach Might be
  possible, as one day ago the line from German Research Network to the
  European exchange broke down, so we have only one transatlantic line
  left, which passes through esnet and ansnet, who just like to throw
  packets away at random :-(

- you changed else.

If you can't figure it out yourself, you might want to tell us what you
changed, and include a netstat -rn, a netstat -r, a netstat -i and a 
ifconfig -a listing.

	Ignatios Souvatzis