Subject: Re: newfs
To: Richard H. Wood <>
From: Arlo T. Moran <>
List: amiga
Date: 07/18/1995 02:07:19
Hmm, never got the "char-special dev" error (did you try the raw dev.
instead?) but I fixed the prob by dl'ing the current src-tars from and recompiling newfs, kernal, and all the rest ;)
Incidentally it may simply have been a bad disk, because after all that I
tried a plain newfs /dev/fd1a again, and again it accesses the drive and
paused, but this time started writing tracks, superblocks etc after a few
seconds. As a bonus fsck and mount_ados work better now too ;) Now if I
can just get my GVP controller to newfs and/or format my Zip drive...
right now it seems to recognize it and gets correct disk info from the
RDB, but when I try a newfs I get "device not configured" error... maybe
I could just set the partition and dostype from HDToolBox like with the
original install? Hmm...
Arlo T. Moran
PS when I did the system recompile, 2 files failed: /usr/bin/lex due to
flex making a file with bad chars, and /usr/sbin/r??.bootparamd due to
something else creating a bad file... does this sound familiar to
anyone? Probably not, since everyone here probably is wise to sup by now ;)
This was using the files in src/tar_files as of last week.