Subject: Re: This ROM sucks^H^H^H^Hkicks.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: amiga
Date: 06/27/1995 21:51:51
> > My a3k has NEVER been able to boot into netbsd while under the influence
> > of a softkick.
> It gets weirder.  Fair enough, I'd expect NetBSD to be trashing the
> ROM image with its own allocation when loadbsd fires up from AmigaDOS

Yup it does, although not right away, but further in the process when
NetBSD takes over (not yet by loadbsd, this would be disastrous :-))

> back in> but maybe loadbsd has trouble with softkick'd machines when
> loading in big kernels?  <Generic fails on both the small and big A3k
> machines, but the cut-down kernel I'm currently using seems to work
> fine, apart from NFS, &tc...> I'll experiment.  Comments, anyone?

I now have 3.1 ROMs in my a3k, but I never ever had any problems whatsoever
booting into NetBSD. Only thing which would not work with above setup was
REbooting from NetBSD (and the problem only showed when I upgraded my a3k
to 16M fastmem, there was no problem rebooting with less memory, and after
I now upgraded to 3.1 ROMs, I can reboot even with 16M).

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