Subject: This ROM sucks^H^H^H^Hkicks.
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: T H Pineapple <>
List: amiga
Date: 06/27/1995 17:39:00
Re Karl Stenerud launching this missive into Netosphere...
> My a3k has NEVER been able to boot into netbsd while under the influence
> of a softkick.
It gets weirder. Fair enough, I'd expect NetBSD to be trashing the
ROM image with its own allocation when loadbsd fires up from AmigaDOS
for the first time <hence when after a 'halt' and 3-key the machine
freaks out, can't find the ROM and so reloads it and gets AmigaDOS
back in> but maybe loadbsd has trouble with softkick'd machines when
loading in big kernels? <Generic fails on both the small and big A3k
machines, but the cut-down kernel I'm currently using seems to work
fine, apart from NFS, &tc...> I'll experiment. Comments, anyone?
Incidentally, kernal-rebuild is now proceeding c/o <doh!
Thanks Michael ;->
THP. Compiling in top wormgear