Subject: NFS, NetBSD, Amigas, PCs. Part 2.
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: T H Pineapple <>
List: amiga
Date: 06/22/1995 17:51:00
Right, after getting hold of a PC NFS-client <XFS for Windows & DOS>,
and also after using the AmiTCP 3.beta stack & NFS-client <which the
Amiga Mosaic team sez works fine, and they should know> on the A3k,
it's *GOT* to be something in the NetBSD configuration. Unless I've
shafted the configuration on both the A3k and the PC.
Same problem on both Amiga *and* PC now. Zero-bytes coming across
the link <copying a file just gives an empty file at the remote end,
but move/mkdir/chmod/copy/delete purely on the remote end works fine.
It's either permissions, something screwed in the group/user
databases or a NFS daemon not being fired up. Still using the
Almost-everything kernel <ISO9660 and Ethernet aware from uni-R>
Authentication of user passwords? Neither client supports them as
default, but reports of success without this <IE with ch_NFS over
AmiTCP> suggest that it's not because I've not got crypt() in the
kernel yet. YP once NFS is sorted, tho'.
The PC side is okay - telnet, ping and FTP onto the BSD-box all work
fine. I've compared the complete /etc drawer with a BSDbox on the
net that serves NFS, and mimic'd the relevant bits in rc and exports,
but still nothing. Chmod'd the exported directory as found on the
working-system <Sparc running NetBSD1.0 ->, it
didn't help.
Has *anyone* out there managed to export filesystems over NFS using
NetBSD-Amiga? If so, how? Somebody must have done it. Any
information appreciated. <Need a hand making up future NetBSD
CD-ROMs? Cutter onhand 'n gold discs aplenty...;->
THP. it's too orangey for crows, it's just for me and my dog
The setup.
A3k: 8Mfast+A2065ethernet+AmiTCP3.beta<or4.demo>
NetBSD: A3k+1gigSCSI+4Mfast+A2065ethernet+NetBSD1.0(meetingpearls2)
PC: Win4W'groups3.11,MicroSoftTCP/IP32-stack,SMCethernet,XFS
all on electric string on their very own isolated bit-of-the-LAN...