Subject: Re: silo overflows w/ GVP SCSI
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bartholomew Niswonger <>
List: amiga
Date: 06/13/1995 22:16:38
>> That's interesting - with my GVP A530 Accel/SCSI system at 38.4k, disk
>> access merely bring all serial access to a dead stop until a second or
>> two after the access stops. Of course, I am using CSLIP, so the protocol
>> takes care of the corrupted packets before they could create an
overflow -
>> but the root of the problem is the serial driver.
>On my system, C2000 with GVP Combo 22MHz, there is the same problem with
>simultaneous hard drive and serial access. Whenever HD is accessed, it
>causes serial (I use 14.4k and 57.6k) to lose lots of characters. The
>same thing happens in both NetBSD (on both 1.0 and -current from
>Ican'tremsoftware and serial
>drivers I've used. I've heard from somewhere that it is a usual hardware
>bug on different GVP accelerators.
I get the same silo overflow errors with my 14.4k modem when I try to
do anything above 19.2. I am using a straight 4000/040 @ 25, 14 megs,
and no cards, running 1.0A with the mw-diffs off uni-regensburg...
It seems it is not merely GVP stuff causing the problem :(
Bartholomew Niswonger Voice:..........312.643.8913
Computer Programmer......University of Chicago
Biological Sciences Division/Academic Computing
Projects.................CGI/HTML & Databases
OS of choice.............NetBSD/Amiga-1.0A