Subject: BSC-AT Controller and NetBSD
To: Amiga-NetBSD <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bernd Zimmermann (Berni) <>
List: amiga
Date: 06/10/1995 10:36:06
Hi !
Is there a kernel, supporting the BSC-AT-Bus Controller ?
I tried to install NetBSD on an Amiga with the BSC-AT Controller
and the install programm did not find any harddisk at all.
(no sd0/sd1 .....)
The root,swap and user partitions are configured correctly with
the correct DOS-Type with HD-Toolsbox under Amiga-Dos.
Whats wrong ? Is there no supprt for the BSC-AT Bus controller ??
Thanks for Help
___ EMail:
/ / _______
/ /_/ ____/ REAL : Bernd Zimmermann
\___ __/ Theoretische Chemie, Universtit"at Hannover
==== \_/ ====== Am Kleinen Felde 30
LOGOUT FASCISM! D-30167 Hannover, Germany
Phone: (int. acc.)+511+762-5553
ATTENTION: The opinions expressed above are my own