Subject: Re: nfs NetBSD/FreeBSD
To: michel beausejour <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: amiga
Date: 03/27/1995 14:09:18
On Mar 26,  1:41pm, michel beausejour wrote:
> I have my A3000 running NetBSD and a 486 running FreeBSD. If i export from
> the Amiga a local disk or the cd-rom, i am able to mount them on my FreeBSD
> machine ,the directory tree looks ok ,( ls works fine) but  all the files
> are corrupted ( ok on the amiga side but looks corrupted on the FreeBSD side)
> the same thing happened when i had Linux installed on the 486. 
> Anybody experienced the same???

  Nope, it seems to work fine here.  I'm running an A2000 with a VXL30
board.  I was able to mount my Amiga NetBSD disk on a FreeBSD system and
what I've looked at appears to be ok.  [This is with a 1.0A kernel from
March 12 sources.]
