Subject: NetBSD Amiga boot crash
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arlo T. Moran <>
List: amiga
Date: 03/24/1995 02:04:34
Thanks to Michael L. Hitch and Don Cave, I have gotten the full NetBSD
Amiga 1.0 archive extracted to my root and usr partitions by copying the
.tars raw to the swap partition from ADOS with streamtodev (thanks
Don!). However, after running Configure script and rebooting with
single-user mode, I get a continous Process (pid 1) got signal 11
message. This was unbreakable booting with no loadbsd options, but broke
into Debugger with a ctrl-c if I booted loadbsd -b and selected sd0a for
root device. Below is what I got in Debugger:
Process (pid 1) got sitrap: bad kernel access at 1c
trap type 8, code=402070d, v=1c
pid=1, pc=00024c2E, ps=2400, sfc=0001, dfc=0001
Registr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
dreg: 00000000 00002404 00000003 05F80000 00000033 00002204 00000064 00000025
areg: 00024BF0 00728030 00000000 00000000 0052FC00 02DF73A0 FFFFFCDC 0DFFFDCC
Kernel stack (FFFFFB98):
FFB98:000B12AC FFFFFC58 00000080 000B1246 00000008 0402070D 0000001C 00000000
FFBB8:FFFFFC04 000B1550 00000008 0402070D 0000001C FFFFFC58 000B136D 0000001C
FFBD8:0402070D 00000008 00000000 0000001C 00000064 00000025 00528500 00000000
FFBF8:0052FC00 02DF73A0 00000003 FFFFFC44 000B1A86 00000008 0402070D 0000001C
FFC18:FFFFFC58 00528500 00000064 00000025 00000003 05F80000 00000033 00002204
FFC38:00000064 00000025 00000000 FFFFFCDC 00000532 00000008 0402070D 0000001C
FFC58:00000000 00002404 00000003 05F80000 00000033 00002204 00000064 00000025
FFC78:00024BF0 00728030 00000000 00000000 0052FC00 02DF73A0 FFFFFCDC 0DFFFDCC
FFC98:00000000 24000002 4C2EA008 0EEE070D 000C3CC0 0000001C 0000001C 00000617
FFCB8:52B9C6F4 FFFF0463 00000003 00000033 00002204 00000064 00000000 00000000
FFCD8:0052FC00 FFFFFD0C 0008AF10 00000003 00000000 00000033 00000088 00000008
FFCF8:00000005 00000020 000C3CD8 02DE4E88 0052FC00 FFFFFD2C 00085E50 00000033
FFD18:00000000 00000008 00000088 00000008 000BFF2E FFFFFD44 000AAFBC 00000008
FFD38:00000008 00000002 00000000 FFFFFD54 000AAFE6 00000000 00000088 FFFFFD68
FFD58:000AD8E0 00000001 00000007 00000007 FFFFFDAC 00000774 00002200 00000000
FFD78:000000B0 02DF59B0 02DE5330 20040008 D97C0068 00000000 0000007F 00000000
panic: MMU fault
Stopped at _Debugger+0x6: unlk a6
pid proc addr uid ppid pgrp flag stat em comm wchan
2 528200 1c78000 0 0 0 000204 3 0 pagedaemon thrd_sleep c8e
1 528500 1c74000 0 0 1 004004 2 0 init
0 0cb90c 0fa0000 0 -1 0 000204 3 0 swapper scheduler cb90c
db>show map
7a4dbvm_fault (106000, 61340000, 1, 0) -> 1
type 8, code [mmu,,ssw]: 401074d
That's all the useful stuff I saw. Has anyone had this problem, know the
cause, or maybe even the solution?
Arlo T. Moran