, amiga <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Illenseer <markus@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: amiga
Date: 03/20/1995 23:54:32
On Mar 20, 10:01am, Steve Paul wrote:
> Any ideas about this "setpatch" ?? My GVP-040 runs fine "dry" with
> ADOS with only the village drivers/68040.library so it must be in
> firmware/etc. I think the main question is where the NetBSD fix needs
> to made- in the grfcl, vm, or where? Has anyone actually nailed down
Thats is of no question, it's grf_cl.c.
> the faults of '040 boards when used in an A2000? Has anyone tried
> using straight 68030 only code to this configuration? We all know
> it is something simple; a problem that will lead to an "Aha!
> of course!" type of solutions.
Yes, I have nailed it down, but cannot solve it. Most of the 040 users out
have bene using precomiled binaries - 030 binaries (kernels).
> If anyone has any leads/source code/etc. where can I get my hands
> on it so I can join in this effort? Any leads would be *greatly*
> appreciated, so we can minimize duplicate efforts!
Ever read grf_cl.c ? And my comments?
Markus Illenseer