Subject: How do i fix my trashed filesystem?
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rasmus Wiman <>
List: amiga
Date: 02/15/1995 13:21:17
Yesterday, i made a horrible mistake! While in AmigaDOS i moved a file on
my /usr partition that i had mounted with BFFSfilesystem! When i booted
NetBSD the computer stopped booting furing fsck, and asked me to fix it
manually. Nothing was mounted, but i ran FSCK and mounted sd1f (the
corrupted disk in /usr (where it should be) and found that everything was
situated in lost+found and the everything that was situated in /usr/ (but
tnank god, not in its subdirectories) had their names changed to numbers.
Everything seems to exist, but how do i get a grip on this mess and
restore things to what is was? when i try mv on a directory i get the
answer "blabla is a directory"... If i move all the dirs into place, will
it boot then? (Geee, why isn't there a Unix Dopus (or is there one)?)
By the way, what do i need to use the Xcl server? I have compiled my
1.0-kernal with the cirrus-3 sources and i use the oct94 version of
X11R6, and it works fine together with the Xamiga24 server on my picasso,
but when i Use Xcl i get a screen and a pointer, but then things stop
happening on the screen and randon sounds come from my speakers...
Thanks for helping me!
Rasmus Wiman
THE LAST SURFER IN HELL (Preferred) (also possible)