Subject: color X11R6 ECS
To: Netbsd-Amiga List <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alan Kelm <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/26/1995 16:22:36
Stuart Park <> wrote:
> (my only gripe, and it is a very small one, is not being able to get
> colour while running X11R6.. but this is because I only have the
> standard ECS, no graphics card. Oh well, can't have perfection. :) )
But you can get an ECS color server under X11R6. I picked one up in
December from It was called Xamiga24, and it
did fine as a color server under X11R6 on my ECS A3000. I only managed to
use it when logged in as super-user, but it worked fine.
I'm not sure if Xamiga24 is still on regensburg, but if you can't find
it there, you can get it off my machine: pub/bsd/X/Xamiga24.gz
: Alan Kelm :
: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa, Canada. :