Subject: kill -KILL with no effect?
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Geir Harald Hansen <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/21/1995 23:32:40
I am running Term on my NetBSD/A3000 system. Just now something weird
happened and I tried to kill the term process. I tried the 'tshutdown'
program, 'kill 2802' and 'kill -KILL 2802', but nothing worked.
'ps u' showed an 'E' flag for the term process, but it wouldn't go away.
I tried kermit, but when I did "set line /dev/tty00" it just froze until
I sent a ^C. :(
Then when I tried to 'echo <something> >/dev/tty00' I got a ser0
ringbuffer overflow (or whatever) and the term process was gone.. :)
What happened? Is it a bug in the serial handling code?
- Geir Harald Hansen,