Subject: Re: Trapping CTRL-AMIGA-AMIGA
To: Markus Illenseer <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/11/1995 11:58:18
On Jan 11, 5:09pm, Markus Illenseer wrote:
> We want a secure implementation for either purposefull or accidental
> press of C-A-A.
OK, then how about something like this. This detects the reset warning
characters and does a bootsync(). There's a long DELAY() afterwards so I
can see what it does before the hard reset actuall occurs.
*** /tmp/sys/arch/amiga/dev/kbd.c Fri Dec 2 04:19:46 1994
--- sys/arch/amiga/dev/kbd.c Wed Jan 11 11:36:41 1995
*** 208,231 ****
struct kbd_softc *k = &kbd_softc;
struct firm_event *fe;
int put;
/* now only invoked from generic CIA interrupt handler if there *is*
a keyboard interrupt pending */
! in = ciaa.sdr;
/* ack */
ciaa.cra |= (1 << 6); /* serial line output */
/* wait 200 microseconds (for bloody Cherry keyboards..) */
! DELAY(200);
ciaa.cra &= ~(1 << 6);
- c = ~in; /* keyboard data is inverted */
/* process the character */
! c = (c >> 1) | (c << 7); /* rotate right once */
/* if not in event mode, deliver straight to ite to process key stroke */
if (! k->k_event_mode)
--- 208,242 ----
struct kbd_softc *k = &kbd_softc;
struct firm_event *fe;
int put;
+ static int reset_warning = 0;
/* now only invoked from generic CIA interrupt handler if there *is*
a keyboard interrupt pending */
! c = ~ciaa.sdr; /* keyboard data is inverted */
! c = (c >> 1) | (c << 7); /* rotate right once */
/* ack */
ciaa.cra |= (1 << 6); /* serial line output */
+ if (reset_warning && c == 0x78) { /* Second reset warning? */
+ printf ("kbdintr: keyboard reset\n");
+ bootsync();
+ DELAY(50000000);
+ }
/* wait 200 microseconds (for bloody Cherry keyboards..) */
! DELAY(2000);
ciaa.cra &= ~(1 << 6);
/* process the character */
! if (c == 0x78) {
! reset_warning++; /* Received 1st reset warning */
! printf ("kbdintr: keyboard reset warning\n");
! return; /* Don't bother processing it */
! }
/* if not in event mode, deliver straight to ite to process key stroke */
if (! k->k_event_mode)
Michael L. Hitch INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Office of Systems and Computing Services
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA