Subject: XView completeness
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: amiga
Date: 12/12/1994 23:42:02
The other day my friend got Linux working on the PC and I looked at his version
of XView.  I think it is 3.0 where as we have 3.2. However, his seems so much
more complete.  His allows him to change the properties with the right mouse
button things like (color, mouse behavior, menu behavior) and other things. 
How come our version of Xview doesn't allow you to do that. 

Finally, does anybody know of a good term program for NetBSD?  I want to use
my Unix for mail and downloads and i want others to be able to call up and 
send files to my computer directly but i don't know how.  I gues I have to
read the Networking docs.  But are there any good networking programs.?

Oh, I almost forgot, I downloaded XDBX from a Sun4 sight, but I don't know how
to compile it. Does anybody know how to execute a Imake. I did sh ./Imakefile
but I got error galore like undefined symbol. I forget actually what the errors
where but how do I do it.  I tried cc but that gave me compiler errors, again
I forget which ones exactly.

Thanks all. 

Joe Sulewski
I love NetBSD :)