Subject: Re: make depend
To: NetBSD list <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/03/1994 18:52:21
> > It seems to be good practice to make clean after making changes in the
> > config file...
> Shouldn't "make depend" be enought in moat cases?

Obviously, it isn't - at least it isn't when only #defined symbols are
added / removed.



| Mail:  Jukka Marin         |     E-Mail:  |
|        Metsurintie 17 B 8  |     FAX/voice:        +358 71 283 2793     |
|        70150 Kuopio        | There's God above computers -              |
|        FINLAND             |                       Love beyond the hate |
 \                                                                       /
  \ If a train station is where the train stops, what is a workstation? /