Subject: How to support non-contigous RAM?
To: None <>
From: Reinhard Schu <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/26/1994 14:56:12
Hi all,
I heard of some guys who built a non-contigous RAM supporting kernel.
I would like to now how to do this. My configuration is as follows:
A2000 2MB Chip-RAM
A2630 with 4MB 32bit RAM (usable for DMA)
GVP-SSCSI with 4MB 16bit RAM (usable for DMA)
Access32 (Memory Espander for A2630) with 4MB 32 bit RAM (not usable for=
Net BSD says at booting:
real mem =3D 7864320 (960 pages)
avail mem =3D 6381568 (779 pages)
using 60 buffers containing 491520 bytes of memory
memory segment 0 at 00280000 size 00780000
^^^^^^^^^^ This is the 2630=B4s an the=
RAM in one block of 8MB.
(the lack of 1/2 MB is due to
KS 3.1 loaded into RAM when=
doing loadbsd)
memory segment 1 at 02000000 size 00400000
^^^^^^^^^ This is the Access 32`s RAM
memory segment 2 at 00000000 size 00200000
^^^^^^^^^ This is the Chip-Ram
real mem =3D 7864320 (960 pages)
^^^^^^^^ obviously, NetBSD uses only segment 0, but not=
segment 1.
What I would like to do is: Get rid of the slow 16 bit RAM in the GVP-SCSI.
However, if I do so, NetBSD will show "real mem 3,5 MB". Thus, what I need
is a kernel which works with non-contigous RAM:
4MB (at $00280000) (A2630)=20
4MB (at $02000000) (Acess32)
(The Acess32 can take up to 32 Megs of 32-bit RAM)
Antother problem is DMA. Only the A2630`s RAM is usable for DMA. How does=
kernel know about this? Has ist something to to with:
[Boot message]
ztwobus0 at mainbus0
gvpbus0 at ztwobus0 rom 0xe90000 man/pro 2017/11
gtsc0 at gvpbus0: dmamask 0xffffff maxdma 65536
scsibus0 at gtsc0 ^^^^^^^^ =20
this seems to limit DMA space to the lower 16=
Any contributions?
Beste Gruesse,
Best Regards,
Reinhard Schu
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- Reinhard Schu --- ------- ||| V ||| -
- Lehrstuhl Prof. Ruessmann --- ----- ||| ||| -
- Tel.: +49-(0)681-302-3101 --- --- |/|___|\| -
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