Subject: Re: Summary of /etc/rc*
To: None <>
From: Karl Ivar Dahl <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/13/1994 09:31:10
L. Todd Masco writes:
> > I do not know hox Linux does it, but I do know many Linux users
> > that don't have the faintest idea how the system works.
>Linux uses run levels -- but to be fair, I doubt that it's the modularity
>that run-levels bring that causes Linux to have such a wide appeal.
I agree, but it is not what I (tried) to say.
I meant that the *lack* of run-levels might become one of the reasons
NetBSD *won't* get such a wide appeal, not that run-levels made
Linux popular :)
Now, listen carefully: I didn't say NetBSD won't be popular.
Nah, It's not that good an argument anyway. I suppose I will
have to live with NetBSD no matter how greek the rc is. :)
Karl Ivar Dahl