Subject: Xamiga24 vs. XamigaRetina
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Stephen Champion <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 03/03/1995 09:49:55
	I'm quite happily using XamigaRetina at 1152x900x8 these days, but I 
am wondering exactly what both it and Xamiga24 are capable of - ie, what 
each is good at.  Both for my own usage and for helping other people.

	I know that Xamiga24 works on Retina Z3 and cirrus based boards, 
and that XamigaRetina works on the Retina Z2, and that XamigaRetina only 
supports 8 bitplanes, while Xamiga24 supports 8/16/24 on the Retina Z3 
and 8 on other boards.

	But, does XamigaRetina work on the RetinaZ3, if so, does it take 
advantage of the blitter?

	Does Xamiga24 work on the RetinaZ2, if so, does it support 16 and 
24 bit modes on the Z2, as it does on the Z3?

	Do they both use the grf interface?  If Xamiga24 does, how does 
it handle the Cirrus boards?

	Visual types do each support?

	I'd really appreciate some clarification of the differences 
between these two.  And an opportunity to thank the people who have been 
working on them!

//  Stephen Champion                   Amiga 3000/25    NetBSD 1.0
//            Binary Arithmetic Student
//                Hampshire College - Amherst, MA
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