Subject: Status of Picasso support?
To: Amiga NetBSD - X <>
From: Alan Bair <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 07/06/1994 17:42:35
There have been various hints that support for the Picasso was coming, but
so far I have not seen anything indicating how far this project has gone.
Does the person(s) involved, or anyone else have any idea on the status of
this project? If I was to try doing this on my own, would having the Picasso
AmigaDOS development code provide any help?

Alan Bair             		MCTG AMCU DSCS
Motorola, Inc.            	    (Design Software &
Mail Stop OE-320		     Computer Services)
6501 William Cannon Dr. West	(512) 891-2336
Austin, TX  78735-8598
