Subject: XRetinaZ2 problems
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 04/19/1994 13:09:51
I have recently acquired a larger HD and reinstalled NetBSD.
I have an A2000, GForce-040 8mb, vmunix.744 and rootfs.720.

The Xretina which comes with rootfs.720 refuses to read my Xconfig
and goes into a screenmode which my 1950 can't handle.
The Xretina on eunet works, but has that annoying sprite in the upper
corner and I can only get it to go into 640x480.
Now, XretinaZ2 on eunet refuses to work.  The server runs, but does not
put anything into the error-log and all clients die with:
    cannot open display :0
I did not change anything before I installed the new Retina server, so
I can't figure out what is wrong.
I have /dev/grf[01] and /dev/view0[01].

What's wrong???????

