Subject: Re: Retina X servers
To: None <>
From: Lutz Vieweg <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 04/12/1994 15:50:24
In article <>, "Dave R. Madsen" writes:
> First I tried using the xretina.tar.gz package which is on
> in contrib/bsd/X11, but that server gives me a
> segmentation fault immediately after it is executed. I then tried
> the new XRetinaZ2 archive that was put into incoming. The Xconfig that
> came with this server defined a screen mode that my monitor was unable to
> reproduce, so I used DefineMonitor under amigados to create
> one that should work. This X server starts up fine, but
> the screen is offset majorly down and to the right and flickers
> horribly, making it unusable.
You are not the first one who reports such a problem, but alas,
there has been no statement about this from the french guys who
created XRetinaZ2 so far. The old Retina Z2 server always worked
for me (even with a monitor creation of my own), but now I don't
have a Retina Z2 anymore in my computer, so I cannot try the new
I'm now running the new Retina ZIII X-Server, which is in the
incoming/experimental directory, and though this is a very first
attempt (which can still be optimized in many ways), it runs
reliable here.
From what Markus wrote, this X-Server ALSO works on the Retina Z2,
Markus actually has both a Z2 and a Z3 in his computer, so he's
probably tested this. As I wrote before, I cannot test the new
server on the Z2, but you may do so, and I can assure you there
are suitable gfx-modes available for your 38.5kHz monitor in it
(currently, you need to binpatch the kernel to select the mode!)
BTW, I'm using the 19-3 binaries.
cu, Lutz Vieweg
"Erst Mosch ist grad in Bad Salzuflen - und will mit seinem Mopshund
knuffeln. Da blitzt es grell am Himmelszelt, ein schriller Schrei,
der Kvter bellt."
('Schliessmuskel' / "Der Untergang der abendlaendischen Kultur")