Subject: /dev/view00 and /dev/view01
To: None <>
From: Mike Lorant <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 04/12/1994 16:04:04
NetBSD Gurus,

	Im attempting to set up colour for xwindows and am having a bit 
of a problem. I have found out that the reason it isnt working is because 
of not having the devices /dev/view00 and /dev/view01. I was told that 
someone on the mailing list might be able to help. Well if you can, what 
do i do :) Thanks...

						Michael Lorant

|*Michael Lorant |  X-Comm Development Team | <I> Nick    : Dense   | Ren  \
| Edward Lawford | | <R> Channel : Amiga   | and   \
| William Waring |       "XPect the Best"   | <C>         : Aussies | Stimpy \
