Subject: Re: New X bins for "off_t" kernels
To: None <>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 04/11/1994 00:26:20
In article <> writes:
> > I guess i'd rather wait for R6 (due to 21. April) :-)
I believe the day is April 15 (aka Tax Day in the US. BTW, irrelevant
tax factoid: I read today where some unfortunate businesses in Russia
have found themselves in a 120% tax bracket!!!)
> R6 won't do us squat bit of good as only the x86 stuff would be
> in it. It will take a while to port. Meanwhile, anybody who
Not entirely true... the client side stuff that the X86 Consortium did
is supposed to include support for all of NetBSD, not just NetBSD/i386.
Ie, imake templates, etc. So the client side should port easily.
Obviously the amiga servers woun't be in there, but I wouldn't immagine
that will take TOO long to port to R6.
> upgrades to -current now will lose all X support. B^(. X uses
> alot of the OS effected by off_t and uid/gid stuff; hell, the
There are already people (members of the X consortium) running R6 on
NetBSD/i386 with 64 bit off_t's, apparently, so I wouldn't worry too
much about that at least for R6.
> C library alone has gone from 1 to 9 since the last binaries
> were cut. B^(.
Anyone want to take wagers on how high it will get before NetBSD 1.0?
> While I think R6 will be C0OL, we need new binaries to hold us
> until Amiga versions of R6 server's can be done.
Agreed, though for off_t reasons it might be best to wait a bit for R6.
Ty Sarna "As you know, Joel, children have always looked up to cowboys as role models. And vice versa."