Subject: VideoModes 101
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 11/20/1995 21:43:35
>>>>> "David" == David Hopper <> writes:

David> My current resolution of choice is -MODE 9, which is
David> undocumented in any /etc/grfmodes that I've seen.  It is
David> hard-coded as an 1152x900, 8-bit, 56 kHz Horizontal and 60.5 Hz
David> Vertical mode.  It's beautiful, but I'd like to get this in 16
David> bits.  Possible with 2 megs, because (1152 x 900 x 2) / 1024 =
David> 2025.

	My... a Sun fan, are you?  1152x900 is Sun's favorite
resolution for it's 8 bit cards (mono is usually 1600x1200).  Never
really thought about why, but the 2 meg thing makes sense.  Sun,
however, uses something like 62 Hz purposely to defeat flourescent

|David Gilbert, PCI, Inc., Richmond Hill      | Two things can only be     |
|               |  equal if and only if they |
|               |   are precisely opposite.  |