Subject: pmap panic booting 1.1_Alpha
To: None <amiga-dev@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jochen Buehler <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 11/02/1995 18:07:32

When booting a 1.1_Alpha Kernel from 23th of october sources I
get the following panic:

panic: pmap_enter_pt page: can't get KPT page

debugger output:

vm_fault(112000, 4800000, 1, 0) -> 1
type 8, code [mmu, ssw]: 525
trap type 8, code 525, v = 4800022
pid=1, pc=0009DED6, ps=2200, sfc=0001, dfc=0001

The old kernel (dated 4th of july) still runs happily.
I recompiled everything so that the system is running
with libs, binaries, etc. from 23th of october.

btw.: The 1.1_Alpha kernel from the recent snapshot on
crashes exactly the same way.

Hardware: standard A4000/040, RetinaZIII, A2065, A4091, 2Chip/10Fast

        any help much appreciated
