Subject: Re: SBIC (a3000, gvpscsi, 2091)
To: Christian E. Hopps <>
From: Simon J DeBoer <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 10/30/1995 15:05:41
On Mon, 30 Oct 1995, Christian E. Hopps wrote:

> I would like to hear (please send to this list) from all the people currently running the sbic driver on there system.  This would mean anyone using the built in scsi on the A3000, the A2091 or the GVP line of scsi boards.
> Are you experiencing problems?  If so I would like to experiment with reverting your systems back to the old device.  I am considering doing this for the 1.1 release if the new driver proves to be to unstable.

I am currently using the sbic driver and have found it to be very 
stable.  The only problem I do have with it is that when I halt the 
system (or it crashes) when the Amiga goes through its autoconfig process 
it hangs on the HD check.  The system stops and the controller light is 
sitting on.  This is on my GVP scsi board, which is in my A3000.  (I use 
the GVP with a 40M drive for swapping...)

Note:  When I have sbic_inhibit_sync (Or whatever that flag is) set to 0 
this does not happen, things proceed as one would expect.
