Subject: Re: port-amiga/1224: zbus.c aconftab typo fix & A2410 name normalization
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <is@Beverly.Rhein.DE>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 07/13/1995 21:40:34
Mike Long replied to my typo report:
> FYI, If the "University of Lowell" referred to in the comment is the
> one located in Lowell, Massachusetts (USA), then it should now be
> referred to as "University of Massachusetts -- Lowell" or "UMass
> Lowell".
I don't know. "University of Lowell" is what is printed on the PCB. I'll
forward this to amiga-dev; somebody there should know better than me.
Ignatios Souvatzis